Centre County
Crisis Intervention Services
Telephone, Chat, and Text Crisis Services
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Walk-In Crisis Services
are offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
2100 East College Avenue,
State College, PA 16801
Mobile Crisis Services
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What is Crisis Intervention?
Crisis Intervention provides mental health intervention, assessment, support, screening, and referral services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Services are available for anyone who calls, chats, texts, walks in, or requests a Crisis Specialist to come to their home, school, or community.
Follow-up support and referrals are available to other community providers if needed.
What is Crisis Intervention Like?
You will be greeted by a trained Crisis Specialist in-person or over the phone.
The Crisis Specialist will assess the situation and determine your level of need.
If you need immediate care, the Crisis Specialist will find a hospital or facility close to you.
The Crisis Specialist will provide a safe space to actively listen and create a plan for future needs.
The Crisis Specialist will connect you to community resources for your situation.
The Crisis Specialist will offer voluntary follow-up contacts to see if you are in need of any other resources or help.
Crisis Peer Services
What are Crisis Peer Services?
Crisis Peer Services are specialized services that are led and driven by Crisis Peer Specialists. The services are a short-term, goal-focused program that are designed to bridge the gap between a crisis event and long-term treatment. Our Crisis Peer Services are available to you once you have received and completed a referral form.
Who are Crisis Peer Specialists?
Crisis Peer Specialists are individuals who have overcome barriers to achieve their own recovery. They have lived experiences and can help you identify goals. They are trained to use their experiences to help.
We can help in the areas of:
Behavioral Health
Crisis Management
Resource Referral
Crisis Peer Specialists will:
Meet with you weekly in the community or your home.
Help you create personalized goals.
Assist you in identifying barriers to achieving goals.
Develop a Crisis Plan and Service Plan specific to your needs.
Establish connections with your natural supports.
Educate you on harm reduction.
Provide you with support while in a social setting.
Connect you to needed community services and resources.
Help facilitate and set up your additional outpatient mental health services.
Support you to achieve personal wellness
Crisis Peer Services offered through CCR are no-cost, short-term intensive, person-centered, and goal-focused.
All Crisis Intervention services are free and confidential.
Crisis Intervention Services are an initiative of
Centre County MH/ID/EI-D&A